News from San Antonio Church – May 31, 2020

It appears that the very first possible day that we may resume the Celebration of Mass at San Antonio Church will be May 31st. The State of Ohio advised that there should be no gatherings in churches up until May 29th. and the Catholic Bishops of Ohio agreed We are not sure if we will actually start that day . Please check back on the website for updates.

We would like to thank everyone who has continued to contribute to the ongoing expenses of San Antonio Church by mailing in their weekly envelopes or by contributing electronically utilizing WeShare . The buttons below allow you to make an online donation directly to the listed account for San Antonio Church.

Weekly Bulletin

by Terrie Evans

On this last Sunday in May as we gather for our first Mass together since March, we celebrate Pentecost, in the Christian tradition it is the day as promised by Christ when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Apostles and Disciples in the form of tongues of fire. This feast commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks.   It is one of the most ancient feasts of the Church, celebrated on the 50th day after Easter.  The fifty days from Easter Sunday  to Pentecost Sunday are referred to as  Eastertide.  Pentecost (Shavuot)  is also the Jewish Liturgical celebration, the  Feast of Weeks which was originally a harvest feast, but now commemorates the revelation of the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai.  

Pentecost is also  called White Sunday in the United Kingdom where many  celebratory festivals with  brass bands and parades with girls dressed in white leading the procession. 

In  Germany it is called Pfingsten and is considered the beginning of springtime, warmer weather and outdoor activities.  Many fairs are held throughout Europe on this day and in France it is customary to blow trumpets during church services to recall the sound of the mighty wind to signal the descent of the Holy Spirit.  In Italy, Pentecost is referred to as Pasqua Rosatum, as churches scatter rose petals from their ceiling to recall the miracle of the fiery tongues.  The Italian name Pasqua Rossa comes from the red colored vestments used for Pentecost.  A popular tradition used in churches all over the world is to use roses for the altar and all church decorations with many parishioners wearing red colored clothes to celebrate the Holy Ghost.  In Germany, green branches from Birch trees are commonly used  as part of the church decorations.   On the night of Pentecost, there is a Vesper service called the “Kneeling Prayer” taken from the composition of St. Basil the Great.  The long poetic prayers are said while everyone prostates themselves as their foreheads rest on the floor.  During these prayers, a petition is added for all those in hell that they might be granted relief and be released from their confinement.  

Across all denominations, Pentecost has been an opportunity for all Christians to honor the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives and to celebrate the birth of the Church.  Catholic and Protestant congregations may hold spiritual retreats, prayer vigils, and litanies leading up to Pentecost and a day when Confirmation celebrations take place.   On this day, 50 days from Easter Sunday, many will pray a special Novena to the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.

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