News from San Antonio Church – April 4, 2021

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Weekly Bulletin April 4, 2021 EASTER

by Terrie Evans

Happy Easter, Buona Pasqua!  On this Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as described in the New Testament occurring on the 3rd day after his burial and crucifixion.  Jesus’ resurrection is one of the chief tenets of the Christian Faith and establishes  Jesus as the Son of God and is proof that God will righteously judge the world.   In Latin and Greek the Christian celebration is called Pascha originating from the Jewish Festival known as Passover which commemorates the Jewish Exodus from slavery in Egypt.  In Western Christianity, Easter Season begins on Easter Sunday, lasts for 7 weeks, and ends on the 50th day, Pentecost Sunday. 

There are many traditions associated with  Easter to celebrate with family and friends.  Dying Easter Eggs originated in the early Christian Community of Mesopotamia who stained their eggs red to honor the memory of Christ.  The Easter egg is also  a symbol of the resurrection and also  to symbolize an empty tomb.  In Poland and other Slavic countries, they consider the colorful Easter Eggs as a symbol  of new life.  In Italy, families will use the palms blessed on Palm Sunday to dip into Holy water and bless everyone at their Easter Table. 

On Easter Sunday, we will light our new Paschal Candle that is blessed and lit every year at Easter.  Our Paschal Candle  will be lighted for the next 50 days of the Easter Season and throughout the year on special occasions such as baptisms and Funerals.  Our  new Twelve Apostles Easter  candle was donated to San Antonio Church by the La Societa Fuscaldese Femminile; in honor of their Patron Saint San Francesco di Paola and in Memory of all their past members.   Our parishioners have become close to the ladies from their  organization who have donated funds for scholarships and to other charities.  We have always appreciated their kindness and we feel honored to have their Patron saint grace our church.  We hope they will be able to have their yearly Mass and Breakfast in July.

We thank all those individuals who sent in monies for the flower fund in memory of a loved one.  Those lovely lilies donated to grace our altar are a sign of Christ’s Resurrection.  An Easter Prayer to recite at your Easter Table:  “ May the glory and promise of this Joyous time of year bring peace and happiness to you and to those you hold most dear.  And may Christ Our Risen Savior, always be there by your side to bless you most abundantly and be your loving guide.  AMEN”.

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