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Weekly Bulletin February 19, 2023
by Terrie Evans
On this 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we anticipate the start of Lent on Wednesday, February 22nd. At one time, the day before Ash Wednesday, Shrove Tuesday, many would set aside this day to confess their sins in the Sacrament of Penance as a prelude to the Lenten Discipline. Shrove is derived from the word shrive meaning to absolve as in the Sacrament of Confession. In many cultures, the day before the start of Lent known as Fat Tuesday is commemorated with carnival celebrations held as a last opportunity for partying before Lent begins. It is customary to fast on Ash Wednesday with only a simple meal usually without meat. The practice of fasting has a strong biblical base with Jesus choosing to fast for 40 days and 40 nights for His own spiritual preparation. On Shrove Tuesday, some Christians make a decision on what will be omitted during this fasting season as they pray for strength to keep their sacrifice during the next 40 days. Some Christians see this time to volunteer their time for worthwhile causes or donate monies to needs in their communities. The United Methodist Church refers to one’s Lenten sacrifice that “On each Lord’s Day in Lent while the Lenten Fast Continues, the reverent spirit of Lent is tempered with Joyful anticipation of the Resurrection”.
Lent is the time in this Liturgical Season of fasting, prayer and almsgiving as well as giving up luxuries to recall Jesus Christ’s sacrifice during his journey into the desert for 40 days in anticipation of Easter. The number 40 has many Biblical References: Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai with God. Elijah spent 40 days and nights walking to Mount Horeb. God sent 40 days and nights of rain in the great flood of Noah. The Hebrew people wandered 40 years in the dessert while traveling to the Promised Land. Jonah’s Prophecy of judgement gave 40 days to the city of Nineveh in which to repent or be destroyed. When Jesus retreated into the wilderness. He fasted for 40 days and was tempted by the devil but by citing scripture he overcame the devils temptations according to the Gospels of Matthew. According to the traditional belief that Jesus lay for 40 hours in the tomb led to the 40 hours of fasting leading up to Easter in the Early Church.
On Wednesday, we will have a 12:00 noon Mass at San Antonio Church with the distribution of Ashes. Fr. Jim Meade has agreed to open the Lenten Liturgical Season with us as this is his first visit to our church so, please be on time. The Christian tradition of distributing ashes uses the remains of burnt palm branches left over from Palm Sunday which are blessed and used to mark the foreheads of the faithful on the first day of Lent (Ash Wednesday), as a reminder of mortality and as a penitential sign of turning away from sin.
San Antonio Church will hold its first major fundraiser for 2023 on Saturday, March 4, 2023. This event is sponsored by the Men’s and Ladies Sodality with Carry Out and Dine in Service. Carry Out Service will be offered from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM and the Dine In with the “All You Can Eat Pizza” starts at 5:30 PM and runs to 9:00 PM and is limited to 125 people. The Dine In Pizza Evening will cost $15.00 per person. The price for carry Out Orders depends on the choice of your Pizza Order.
There will be quite a selection of gourmet pizzas and also dessert to top off your meal. The following selection of 8 delicious pizzas will be served: Ladies of the Lot, Traditional Cheese, Pepperoni Lovers, Anchovy, Veggie Lovers, Sweet Dessert and Savory Dessert Pizza. There will be Carry Out order forms and Dine In reservation forms in our Hall after our 9: 00 AM Mass every Sunday. For more information or for any questions you might have regarding the Saturday, March 4th event, please contact Dave Sabatelli at 513-405-6444.
On Sunday, February 26th, San Antonio Church will welcome the Flowers, Florimonte and Cerchio Families as they gather to mourn the loss of Nancy (Florimonte) Flowers at our 9:00 AM Mass. Nancy (Florimonte) Flowers came from the large Florimonte Family who lived in South Fairmount’s “Little Italy” at 2165 Queen City Avenue in the early years of the church’s history.