News from San Antonio Church – January 21, 2021

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Weekly Bulletin January 24, 2021

by Terrie Evans

On this 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, we look forward to the feast days  for this week.  On Monday, January 25th we honor The Conversion of St. Paul as we celebrate this event in the life of Paul the Apostle. According to the New Testament, he ceased the persecuting of early Christians which led him to become a follower of Jesus. Paul was not a follower of Jesus his conversion occurred after Jesus’ Crucifixion.  This feast is also celebrated in the Anglican and  Lutheran Churches.  The collect  to St. Paul (Opening or Formal Prayer) in the Roman Missal:  O God, who taught the whole world through the preaching of the Blessed Apostle Paul, draw us we pray, nearer to you through the example of him whose conversion we celebrate today, and so make us witnesses to your truth in the world.

Tuesday, January 26th we honor two of St. Paul’s most trusted disciples, Timothy and Titus.  Timothy became a convert of St. Paul, accomplished apostolic work   and had oversight of the Churches of Macedonia.  Churches at that time needed doctrines and had divisions within the Christian community while addressing matters such as marriage, celibacy and virginity.  Titus also became a great help to the Apostle Paul and was responsible for the Church at Corinth.  Titus who  became  not only an administrator and peacemaker of the Apostle Paul  but a great friend to him as well. Titus would go on to be the Administrator of the Christian Community on the Island of Crete where he corrected abuses and appointed Presbyter-Bishops(one who exercises oversight in the Community).  Saints Timothy and Titus played crucial roles in the early Church.

On January 27th, we celebrate the life of Angela de Merici, an Italian Religious educator who founded the Company of St. Ursula in 1535.  Established in Brescia, Italy, she gathered 12 young women who wanted to dedicate their lives to the service of the church through the education of girls.  They were the first teaching order of women religious.  Her goal was to elevate family life through the Christian education of future wives and mothers to which she dedicated her life.  When she  died at the age of 65 on January 27, 1540 her body was clothed in the habit of a Franciscan Tertiary or Third Order. 

On Thursday, we honor the Dominican Friar, Philosopher, Catholic Priest and Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas.  Born in the Kingdom of Sicily in 1225, he is considered one of the Catholic Churches greatest theologians and greatest  philosophers of the western world.  In 1265, Pope Clement IV selected him to serve as Papal Theologian and in 1268, the Dominican Order assigned him to be Regent Master at the University of Paris.  He was the foremost classical proponent of natural theology in the areas of ethics, natural law, metaphysics, and political theory.  He is the Patron of Catholic Schools. 

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