News from San Antonio Church – June 27, 2021

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Weekly Bulletin June 27, 2021

by Terrie Evans

On this 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we are called to use the time after our 9:00 AM Mass to “go out to all the world and tell the good news.”  Since the early days of our church, parishioners have always been church, community and family  oriented.  After all these years,  we are still a dedicated  group that continues to do the volunteer and outreach work of keeping and promoting our church.  We must always  remember  the many  generations of our families who have passed on and who had worked for the good of and for the future of San Antonio Church.  As we recall the history of San Antonio Italian Church, we look forward to our 100th Anniversary , a much anticipated event in 2022.   Planning for this milestone is underway and we need everyone’s input and stories from the founding of our church  in 1922.  Tina (Roberto) Kroeger is heading up the Steering Committee so, please consider joining this group of men and women of San Antonio relay  your ideas for this once in a lifetime event. 

On Friday, June 25th San Antonio Church welcomed  Fr. Bill Farris and Linda and Mike Dektas and their family members  as they renewed their vows on their  50th Wedding Anniversary. Their Mass and Blessing is the 1st Anniversary re-newel we have had in many years.  We  congratulate them and their family and friends  as they celebrate their Golden Anniversary!

On June 28th, we honor the feast day of St. Irenaeus,  a Greek Bishop  who worked to expand the Christian communities throughout  the south of France as a follower of John the Evangelist.  He is celebrated in the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and in the Church of England.   He is known as a Bishop, Martyr, Bishop of Lyon and a Teacher of Faith.  St. Irenaeus was one of the first to insist that our four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the ones we may trust and no others.  St. Irenaeus became the most considerable theologian of his age.  He died in 202 AD in modern day Lyon, France. 

On June 29th we honor the  Saints  Peter and Paul who are considered the principal saints of Rome.  Peter, a fisherman became one of Jesus Apostles when Jesus promised to make him a “Fisher of Men”.  St. Peter wrote the first of the letters attributed to him in the New Testament and was martyred in Rome under Nero and is reportedly buried below the main Altar of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.  Sharing the same feast day is St. Paul, a tent maker who fanatically  worked and preached against Christians.  It wasn’t until  he was thrown from a horse and saw a vision of Jesus that he changed his life.  St. Paul  went on to preach about his new faith while founding churches and preaching to Non- Jews.  He too was Martyred in Rome.  A Cathedral church is dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul in Winchester, England  where their coat of arms is displayed in the historic church.  The two Saints have also  been venerated with their names inserted in the Canon of the Mass. 

On Thursday, June 30th we honor The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church  to remember those Christians martyred in Rome during Nero’s persecution in the year 64 AD.  This feast is a general celebration of early Roman Martyrs and to remember the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire.  

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