News from San Antonio Church – May 12, 2024

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Weekly Bulletin May 12, 2024

by Terrie Evans

On this 2nd Sunday of May, we honor all Mothers for their dedication, love, their contributions to their families, and society.  Their maternal bonds have saved and promoted peace at difficult times in our country.  In the history of our country, before Mother’s Day became what it is today, many women joined together to establish a time to come together to make a change.  After the American Civil War, groups of mothers met from opposite sides of our country to reach out to the mothers who had sons who fought in or died in the Civil War.  Many of those young men from both sides were away from home for up to 4 years as 2 million served in the North with 750,000 fighting in the South with 820,000 casualties on both sides.   Since that time, Mothers have met to assist their families, aid those in need and have been the glue that holds everyone together.  Please join all our San Antonio Church Families in our Hall after Mass for a delicious breakfast prepared by the men of parish.  A Prayer for Motherhood: “Good Saint Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, Wonder Worker of our day, I call upon you and seek your aid.  You who on earth always fulfilled God’s design, help me to do the Holy Will of God.  Please ask the Master of Life, from Whom all parenthood proceeds, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life and heirs to the Kingdom of His glory in the world to come.  Dear Mother Mary, please speak to Jesus for me.  Amen.”  God Bless all Mothers!               

On Monday, May 13th, we honor Our Lady of Fatima and the 6 appearances she made to the 3 peasant children in the village of Fatima in Portugal in 1917.  This area near Fatima has become a site for many pilgrims seeking some sort of healing and over the years millions have journeyed to this holy site.  On the 50th Anniversary of the 1st Vision, over a million-faithful gathered at Fatima to hear Pope Paul VI say Mass and pray for peace.  On the 100th Anniversary of the vision in 2017, Pope Francis canonized as saints the pious siblings who saw the visions – making them the youngest non martyred children to become saints.  A prayer to recite for special graces from God: “O Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, you were pleased to appear to the children of Fatima and reveal a glorious message.  We implore you, inspire our hearts a fervent love for the recitation of the Rosary.  By meditating on the mysteries of the redemption that are recalled therein may we obtain the graces and virtues that we ask, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer.”   

On Tuesday, May 14th, we honor the Apostle Mathias chosen as an Apostle after Judas Iscariot had betrayed Jesus.  As followers of Jesus gathered together, they prayed and drew lots to see who the new apostle would be.  Peter proposed to the 120 assembled disciples to pick Mathias as the new Apostle who had been with Christ from the beginning of His public ministry.  Peter said: “He was one of the men who accompanied us during the time Jesus was among us, beginning from the Baptism of John until the day Jesus was taken from us with Mathias being a witness to Christ’s Resurrection.”   St. Mathias is said to have planted the seeds of faith around Cappadocia and along the coasts of the Caspian Sea as he preached the Gospel into the interior of Ethiopia.  He showed himself worthy of being an Apostle being included in the Roman Calendar in the 11th Century.  In 1969, in the revision of the General Roman Calendar, his feast day was changed to May 14th so as not to celebrate it during Lent.  It was moved to be near the Solemnity of the Ascension, when the Acts of Apostles recounted Mathias be ranked with the 12 Apostles.  He died in AD 89 in Jerusalem, was canonized pre-congregation, and is considered the patron saint of Great Falls-Billings, Montana, perseverance, and hope.  Mother of Emperor Constantine, Empress Helena is said to have brought St. Mathias the Apostle’s remains to Italy and interred them in the Abbey of Santa Giustina, Padua.

On Wednesday, May 15th, we celebrate St. Isadore the Farmer, a Spanish farmworker, revered as the Catholic Patron Saint of Farmworkers or Labrador’s, those who work the land.  He was named in honor of St. Isadore of Seville, Isidro de Merlo y Quintana.  He worked for landowner, Juan de Vargas, who treated him like a brother and trusted Isadore enough to make him a Bailiff for his entire estate.  He became the broker and representative providing many services to keep Juan’s land fruitful.  Isadore would marry Maria Torribia (Santa Maria de la Cabeza) and they welcomed a son who would die as a young child.  After their son’s passing, Isadore, and Maria both practiced abstinence and chose to live apart in separate homes feeding and caring for the poor.  Every morning, Isadore attended Mass before working on the farm with legends portraying angel helpers and oxen doing his chores, so his work was not neglected while he was in church.  He died on May 15, 1130, at the age of 59 with over 438 miracles attributed to him especially those   members of the royal family who sought his intercession for cures.  Isadore was Beatified on May 2, 1619, and Canonized on March 12, 1622.  In 1769, the remains of St. Isadore and his wife Maria were relocated to the San Isidro Church in Madrid in a sepulcher that has nine locks with only one master key held by the King of Spain.

Opening of the locked sepulcher can only be performed by the Archbishop of Madrid on the authorization of the King and has not been opened since 1985.   On May 15th towns in Spain venerate St. Isadore and his wife, Blessed Maria Torribia with blessing of the fields as many celebrations are held with a carnival atmosphere of floats, women in flamenco dresses, and caballeros on dancing horses while festival goers drink a mixture of brandy and energy drink that is named for him.  On the feast day of St. Isadore, the home of his master, Juan de Vargas, “Casa de San Isidro”, now a museum will be visited by devotees who revere the Saint.  There is also a chapel built on the exact site where the Saint lived and died that honors those important events in the history of Spain. 

On Saturday, May 18th we honor the feast day of St. John I, the 1st Pope named John in the history of the early Church.  Born in Tuscany, Italy he became the Bishop of Rome in 523 and is known for being sent to Constantinople to negate the treatment of Arians. He was frail when he was elected Pope and at that time, the Church had only 7 Deacons; men of the Jerusalem Christian Community ordained to help the Apostles distribute provisions to the widows of the Greek speaking Jews.   During his Papal Reign, Italy was under the rule of a king who adhered to the Arian heresy that Christ was a created being rather than the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.  The Arian King expected Pope John to accept his stance and then intercede with the Eastern emperor on behalf of the heretics which would lead to his imprisonment, starvation and to his being martyred.   Pope John I was the Bishop of Rome from August 13, 523 until his death on May 18, 526 and is venerated in Ravenna and Tuscany.  He became canonized by pre-congregation (without the lengthy process of qualification) and is credited in the Liber Pontificalis (book of Popes) for making repairs to the cemeteries of the earliest Martyrs, and especially those in the cemetery of Priscillia.  His body was taken to Rome and is buried in the Basilica of St. Peter. 

Also On Saturday, May 18th, we celebrate Armed Forces Day to honor the men and women who at present are on active duty, serving in the Military.  This 3rd Saturday closes Armed Forces Week, the week-long event that starts on May 11th -May 18th to show appreciation for the contributions of the members of the Armed Forces, for their service, past and present.  Military Appreciation Week addresses   the challenges that military communities face and the experiences of those service members, veterans, and their families.  A consolidated Armed Forces Day was established in 1950 to honor those serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, and later the Space Force, and National Guard as a way to highlight their service, the sacrifices of their spouses and families, as they respond when called to deploy to defend our freedom.  As a way to expand public awareness of the military role in civilian life, many Military bases hold special events, open houses, and flyovers, and air shows to show   the importance of a strong military presence in our ever-changing world.

On Sunday, May 19th, Elder High School Gym located at 3900 Vincent Ave in Price Hill will welcome all families for the 17th Annual Family Rosary Rally and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.   Sponsored by the Purcell Council 2798-Knights of Columbus beginning at 1:30 PM with handicap parking by Schaefer Center and at Seton High School parking Garage.  A good friend and benefactor, to our church, the late Guy Langenbrunner introduced this wonderful event to our San Antonio Church community so, please considered joining friends from other parishes for this wonderful Sunday afternoon of prayer and reflection.

Our next big event at San Antonio Church is the Cincitalia Fest schedule for Friday, May 31st, Saturday June 1st, and Sunday June 2nd, sponsored by St. Catharine of Siena Parish at Harvest Home Park on North Bend Road in Cheviot.    Our San Antonio Church Community will operate our popular Bruschetta Booth under the direction of chairman, Harry Panaro and the La Rosa Pizzeria Family who donates the many gallons of the delicious tomato mixture and the thick ciabatta that is always sells out to benefit the students at St. Catharine of Siena School and San Antonio Church. We will need volunteers for this fun event that includes live music, many food booths, the Fuscaldese Society Cookie and Cannoli Booth, Gaby’s Cafe Booth, La Rosa’s Pizza and Rondo’s Booths, the United Italian Society Booth and the many Cincitalia Booths offering many regional Italian dishes, wine, beer, and games for all ages.  Please check out the sign- up sheet in the Hall after Mass to cover the many shifts for this 3-day event.

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