News from San Antonio Church – October 2, 2022

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Weekly Bulletin October 22, 2022

by Terrie Evans

On this 1st Sunday of October, all Catholics are called to reflect on those who are the most vulnerable in society.  We are all responsible for those individuals   and to defend, protect and pray for them during the month of October.  As a church community we are asked to consider local pregnant and parenting women in need so we may better support them and to keep informed on local efforts.  We must keep our hearts open to anyone who is facing life changing circumstances as we “walk in their shoes” and join them on their journey while praying that Christ’s love will accompany them.  Tell them that God will always be with them.   

Pope St. John Paul II once stated to a group of American Bishops, “The pro-life movement is one of the most positive aspects of American public, and the support given it by the Bishops is a tribute to your pastoral leadership.” On this Respect Life Sunday, let us be grateful for the pastoral leadership of the American Bishops, and we answer their call to promote respect for the lives of unborn children, and to serve women in problem pregnancies with love and compassion worthy of the name “Christian.” For more information on the Church’s Pro-Life efforts and the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, please visit

There are Pro-Life events scheduled within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center at 5440 Moeller Avenue, Norwood Ohio.  On the first Saturday of the month, a Pro-Life Mass & Rosary takes place from 9:00 – 11:00 AM followed by coffee and a speaker.  The next Mass and Rosary will be Saturday, November 5th, followed by December 3rd, and then January 7, 2023.  If interested, please contact Jerry Schmidt at (513) 509-9841 or  All these Pro-Life Masses & Rosaries are leading up to the March for Life 2023. 

Please remember the March for Life is scheduled for January 19 & 20, 2023 to celebrate, value and protect every life. The March is held every January and will continue every year until a culture of life is restored in the United States of America.  There are about 900,000 abortions performed annually as many legislative battles loom with the goal to not only change laws at the state and federal level, but to change the culture to hopefully make abortion unthinkable.  Many young people will be in attendance including teens and college students who travel with Catholic Schools, Churches, and Youth Groups.  In 2022, attendance was said to be in the tens of thousands with over half of the marchers under age 30 who started their day delivering roses and then lobbying members of Congress.  The March for Life begins with a rally at the National Mall, followed by the March down Constitution Avenue where it ends on the steps of the Supreme Court. 

Many Presidents and political figures have supported this day by addressing the throngs of participants.  In 1987, President Ronald Reagan and then President George W. Bush (2003-2009) both spoke remotely supporting this” national tragedy” and “noble cause”.   In 2006, U.S. Representative Steve Chabot spoke to the marchers and his stance against abortion.  In 2017, Mike Pence became the first Vice President and the highest-ranking federal official to address the marchers.  In 2018 and 2019, President Donald Trump addressed the 45th and 46th March via satellite from the White House with Vice President Pence speaking at the event in person.  And in 2020, President Trump became the first U.S. President to attend and speak at the March for Life.  The March for Life official website ( Many in our church community have grandchildren and great grandchildren attending Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who will travel to the 50th March for Life in January 2023.  Please check with their schools to offer any support or assistance as needed.

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