News from San Antonio Church – October 22, 2023

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Weekly Bulletin October 22, 2023

by Terrie Evans

  On this 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time we join Pope Francis as we join together to support his missions.  On World Mission Sunday, the Holy Father invites us to “set out once more, illumined by our encounter by the Risen Lord and prompted by His Spirit.  Let us set out again with burning hearts, with our eyes open and our feet in motion.  Let us set out to make other hearts burn with the word of God, to open the eyes of others to Jesus in the Eucharist, and to invite everyone to walk together on the path of peace and salvation that God in Christ, has bestowed on all humanity.”  The theme for World Mission Sunday 2023 “Hearts on fire, feet on the move” is based on the story of the Disciples who encountered Jesus as they made their way to Emmaus. 

On October 23rd, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. John of Capistrano (1385-1456).  Born in Capistrano, Abruzzo, Italy in 1385 and entered the Franciscan Community in Perugia in 1416.  While studying Theology near Florence, he was inspired by St. Bernadine of Siena to start the devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus and his Mother Mary.  After St. John of Capistrano was ordained, he traveled throughout Italy, Germany, Bohemia, Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Russia preaching penance and establishing Franciscan Communities.  He was seen as a Franciscan reformer who preached simplicity and on the town square in Brescia, Italy St. John preached to a crowd of 126,000.  He is considered the patron saint of Military Chaplains and Jurists and there are two Spanish Missions in the United States founded by Franciscan Friars dedicated to him; Mission San Juan Capistrano in San Juan Capistrano, California and Mission San Juan Capistrano in San Antonio, Texas.                                                           

On October 24th, we honor the feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret (1807-1870), the patron saint of textile workers.  Born in Catalina, Spain in 1807, the son of a weaver, the trade he was also involved in before studying for the priesthood before hoping to become a Jesuit.  Ill health prevented him from entering the Order and he went on to serve as a secular priest who was sometimes called the restless Apostle.  In 1849 he founded the Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, known as the Claretians.  He spread devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and the Immaculate Heart of Mary by his preaching and writing 144 books.    During his life, he performed many miracles and because of his union with God was awarded many favors and cures.  Many educational institutions are named after St. Anthony Mary Claret and run by the Claretians in Europe, South America Africa, and Asia.   He died in a Cistercian Monastery in France on October 24, 1870, and was Beatified in Rome by Pope Pius XI on February 24, 1934, and Canonized by Pope Pius XII on May 7,1950.  A movie was produced by the Claretians, Slaves and Kings starring Antonio Reyes portraying the saint in the 2022 film directed by Pablo Moreno. A Prayer to St. Anthony Mary Claret:  O, God, You strengthened St. Anthony Mary with wonderous and patience in evangelizing the people.  Through his intercession, enable us to seek those things which are Yours, and to labor in Christ for the good of our fellow man. Amen.   

On October 28th we honor Saints Simon and Jude, both listed among the Twelve whom Jesus names as Apostles in Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:13-16, and Acts 1:13.  These Apostles were instrumental in the early Church as they were among the 1st Bishops working to celebrate the Sacraments and the teachings of Jesus.   These two first bishops who with Our Lod established His Church and from that time in the history of the Church, every Bishop, Priest, and Deacon is considered a spiritual descendant. St. Jude is considered the patron saint of impossible causes and is said to have cured the King of Edessa from leprosy.  His relics are now honored in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.  Saint Simon is mentioned in all 4 lists of the Apostles with the Gospel naming St. Simon as the 10th Apostle.  He is called “The Zealot” from the Jewish sect that represented the extreme of Jewish Nationalism.  It is thought that Jesus might have picked Simon because He wanted to reach out to those who were committed to their Jewish heritage.  Jesus felt Simon had those traditions and beliefs and could reach out to those people.  Saint Simon is the patron saint of curriers, woodcutters, and tanners.  Saints Jude and Simon suffered Martyrdom while laboring as missionaries in Persia.  A Prayer to them: “Saint Simon and Jude, you were both privileged to learn from Jesus Himself.  After His Ascension, you were among the first to receive the Holy Spirit and ordination as Bishops.  God used you to go forth and fulfill His command to share the gospel to the ends of the earth.  Please pray for me, that I will more fully understand my mission within the Body of Christ and will fulfill my duties with diligence and love.  Saints Simon and Jude, pray for me.  Jesus, I trust in You. Amen”.                           

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