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Weekly Bulletin January 30, 2022
by Terrie Evans
During the month of February, San Antonio Church will introduce the next group of families to be honored on March 6th. On this Sunday we will highlight the Esposito and Metz Families who have served our church for many years. Nobile Esposito was born in 1883 to Maria Casella (1851-1927) and Gaetano Esposito (1849-1927). Nobile’s older brother, Pasquale ”Charles” Esposito (1881-1938) settled in Pennsylvania and sister, Rosa (Esposito) 1893-1924 married Sebastian Gargano(1887-1959). Nobile Esposito (1883-1968) married Maddalena (Camarotta) on December 22, 1906, in Felitto, Italy, came to America in 1907 and settled at 1994 Queen City Avenue. Their family: Daughter, Rose (Esposito) (1913-2004) married Archie Campbell (1934-2005) in 1953. Nobile and Maddalena welcomed son Thomas Esposito (1915-1991) and youngest son, Anthony Vito Esposito (1923-2014) who fell in love with a girl from across the street, Rosemary (Metz) (1927-2018). They became engaged when he was a Petty Officer at the time serving with the Pacific Fleet and were married on July 19, 1947, with Rosemary’s parents, Frank (1893-1965) and Mary (Heredman) Metz (1893-1970) along with sisters, Mary Jane (Metz) Shaw, JoAnn Metz, and Carol (Metz) Haas in attendance. Anthony and Rosemary Espsosito welcomed three children Anthony Jr., Daniel, and Barbara while he supports his family as a Special Investigator Inspector with the U.S, Postal Service.
Nobile and Maddalena Espsoito were members of San Antonio Church in the early years of our church and after retiring from the Highway Dept. became more active as a member of the Contadini Society, while Maddalena was involved with the church and the St. Ann’s Ladies Sodality. Their son Anthony along with wife Rosemary were valued members of our church who devoted many years with the San Antonio Choir and as Co- chairs for the San Antonio Church 50th Anniversary, along with Donald Moore and Janet Schare. Rosemary (Metz) Esposito’s mother, Mary( Herdemann) Metz was at one time President of the St. Ann’s Married Ladies Sodality. Her daughter Rosemary and son-in-law Anthony sang in the choir while granddaughter Barbara (Esposito) Ilacqua played the organ for 8 years at every weekend Mass, special church event, and also Choir Director. Barbara served faithfully while attending school until her marriage to Martin Ilacqua that was held at San Antonio Church in 1973. She later moved to Washington, D. C.
The Esposito and Metz Families always supported and fought for our church during the uncertain times of the 1980’s. Mary Jane (Metz) Shaw (1922-2017) moved back to Cincinnati with husband Angus “Pug” Shaw (1911-1986) an Army Veteran who onetime played baseball for the Philadelphia Athletics. After they moved from Washington, D.C. Mary Jane became a Sacristan who distributed Communion to the home bound sick from our church with hubby “Pug” Shaw was always helping in the Hall and setting up the altars Christmas display. The youngest Metz sister, Jo Ann spent many years of her life for the good of our church. She was a member of San Antonio in her youth and when her family Peter, Andrew, and Jean were on their own she rallied our Parishioner in a hard-fought campaign to keep our church open. She worked with the City of Cincinnati on the changes needed for the Lick Run Project while hoping the area would have a complete turnaround up until the time of her death on February 14, 2021. During the reorganization of churches in the 1980’s Jo Ann did whatever it took along with Joe Cupito, Jim Schuleter, and those 1st generation of American-Italians who are no longer with us. The Esposito and Metz family had many warriors who fought long and hard for the future of San Antonio Church. Please say a prayer of thanks in their honor and memory because – without them we would never be celebrating our 100th!