News from San Antonio Church – July 3, 2022

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Weekly Bulletin July 3, 2022

by Terrie Evans

San Antonio Church Parishioners will never forget those generous benefactors who have no familial ties to our church but have worked with us to keep our church open for Sunday Mass, Rosary and Communion Service, and Our Lunch on the House Program.   They are Beth and Bill Burwinkel, Bernice and the late Will Feldmann (1933-2021), James Mathews, Margaret and Joseph Seta.       

Everyone who attends our church is very grateful to the roster of visiting priests whose dedication to us and the needs of San Antonio are much appreciated.  They are:   Our Pastor, Fr. Len Wenke, Fr. Bill Ferris, Fr. Frank Jasper, Fr. Eric Knapp, Fr. Joe Folzenlogen, Fr. Pat McCloskey, Fr. Paul Ruwe, Fr. Mike Savino, Fr. Ralph Westerhoff, Fr. Harry Meyer, and the late Fr. Donald McCarthy (1930-2018).  They have not only celebrated Sunday Mass but, they have made themselves available for Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals as they continued to serve at other churches.   Our church community is excited that they are part of the history of San Antonio Church and our 100th Anniversary.  

            In the history of our church, San Antonio had separate organizations for the ladies, The St. Ann’s Married Ladies Society, and the Men’s Club for the gentlemen of the Parish.  The two were combined for the members to work together on many projects and events.  At present, the officers of the Men’s and Ladies Club are President, Dave Sabatelli, Vice President, Connie (Mazzei) Dalessandro, Treasurer, Vic Minella, and Secretary, Rose (Sabatelli) Einhaus. They have worked many hours on the milestone 100th Anniversary and planning the 1st of the Month Family receptions to honor those early founding family groups. 

Every Tuesday, San Antonio Church welcomes everyone to our Rosary and Communion Service.  The group that meets every Tuesday is   Jeanine Bertram, Mary Ann Capano, Betty Hartman, Linda (Stoll) Kelsey, Mary Ann Lander, Monnie Milazzo, Rita (Schiesz) Miller, Tony (Palmieri) Minges, Dottie Pollard, Janet (Suddendorf) Steinle, Linda (Suddendorf) Stoecklin and Ken Stoll.  They set aside those Tuesdays not only to pray the Rosary and receive Communion but to include all those extra prayers needed for our church community.  We appreciate this dedicated group who relays those special intentions beyond our San Antonio Church Parish.   

            The group of volunteers that were not mentioned in previous bulletins but who are here on Sundays to open the doors, set up the Hall, bake the bread, get the church ready, and clean up the debris and litter around the church.  Those “Steady Enders” are Vic and Marilyn Minella, Harry and Linda (Delseno) Panaro, Janet (Mazzei) and Mike Reiff, Rita (Schiesz) Miller, Bill and Terrie Evans.  Our church is run on all volunteer effort to keep everything running smoothly.  In the past almost 100 years, San Antonio Church has had a legacy of selfless workers from every founding family who are today still attending our church. 

We are unique, as all of us have a connection to the founding of the church and the neighborhood of South Fairmount that was filled with hard working new citizen families trying to achieve the American dream.  All of us are proud of where we came from and where are grandparents and parents came from.  It was not an easy journey for them, and we were excited to hear their stories and share them with each other.  Thank God they crossed an ocean and took a chance on a new life full of unknowns.  They were proud to be Americans.  We know they came here for all of us!  Happy Independence Day on the 246th Birthday of our Country!

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